Sunday, October 20, 2019

You Can Believe Anything in General, But Nothing in Particular

You Can Believe Anything in General, But Nothing in Particular

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

anything in general but nothing in particularSkeptical and sarcastic views toward what other people believe has become the order of the day. But it hides behind a facade of "tolerance" that says we should respect others' beliefs and points of view, while to ourselves we say - "That's a really dumb idea!" The result is that we conclude you can believe anything in general, but nothing in particular. So if you firmly believe in one fixed, settled religious faith, ideology, or philosophy, you will be greeted with rolled eyeballs, sarcasm, skepticism, or outright hostility.

It has thus become "cool" for a person to say that he believes there is no god, no absolute truth, no objective moral standards of right and wrong, of good and evil. But think about that for just a minute: to say - "There is absolutely no absolute, and that's the absolute truth" is an absurdity, a paradox. As the Psalmist wrote - "The fool has said in his heart, 'There is no God.' They are corrupt. They have done abominable works. There is none who does good" (Psalm 14:1). It is foolish to deny the existence of absolutes because such a statement is itself an absolute. And the result of such denial is increasing corruption.

John Locke was a political philosopher in the years leading up to the American Revolution. From A New Lockean Manuscript and the Limits of Religious Toleration we read -

"As more than one critic has pointed out, Locke’s paper-thin description of religion — the holding of beliefs and the performance of rites conducive to eternal life — hardly fits the complex and encompassing character of most actually existing faiths.

"Locke's Letter begins, indeed, not with the separation of church and state, but with an explication of the nature of Christianity that describes it in almost exclusively practical terms. The work likewise closes with an appendix on heresy that considers additions rather than subtractions from the doctrine as heretical. This diatribe against all 'contrivers of symbols, systems, and confessions' is not accidental to Locke's view of toleration. Instead of pushing for toleration between opposed substantive doctrines, this doctrinal minimalism makes the holding of substantive views itself suspect of endangering the tolerant society.

"It goes hand in hand, moreover, with an equally thin view of religious membership. In the Letter, the church is presented as a voluntary society into which no one is born, and one that is concerned alone with right worship as a way to salvation."

This minimalistic view of religious toleration has brought us today to the point of shoving religion into a corner, into a box, into the four walls of a 'religious establishment' building, a church, where people can perform their cultic rituals and from which no ideas or words or practical ministry should escape, contaminating a "tolerant" society. The First Amendment states that Congress shall make no law concerning an establishment of religion [one particular religious faith] or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.

But secular humanism has turned this upside-down to mean that the government should remove all religious expression from the public view, limiting religious freedom to only inside the four walls of a church building. The notion that children should be raised as free-range animals, given the "right" to choose whatever they want to believe and however they want to live, while the schools have become indoctrination camps for brainwashing the kids with LGBTQ ideology, is another absurdity.

In another article, Eric Metaxas gives the reason for his new support of conservatism -

"Especially when you get to the issue of religious liberty, that's actually the core. If you really want to know why --, [it’s] because to lose religious liberty in America is not simply to lose rights. - That’s nonsense. It's about losing something so foundational, so central to the republic that you will eventually lose everything. It's like pulling a thread and it's going to unravel the whole thing.

"I really think that Christians have been the canary in this coal mine. They've seen that there's effectively the attempt to impose, to establish a religion. It's a secular humanist religion, but whenever you're talking about ultimate issues, you're talking about things like personhood, you're talking about sexuality, you’re talking about marriage, these are foundational things that get right to the core of people and cultures."

The freedom of religious expression - the ability to express your beliefs in public without being blackballed, fired from your job, or shoved into a corner, a box where you can only mutter your beliefs to others of the same faith, and hindered from passing on your faith to your children - is foundational to all other freedoms because it defines our very personhood, our family, and the future of our culture.

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In a recent speech at the University of Notre Dame, U.S. Attorney General William Barr stated -

"'The imperative of protecting religious freedom was not just a nod in the direction of piety,' Barr said. 'It reflects the framers' belief that religion was indispensable to sustaining our free system of government.'"

"The Attorney General said numerous measures of social decline are rising as religion recedes from public life, citing higher instances of drug addiction, mental illness, and suicide. Those outcomes are not random, but the fruit of a dedicated campaign against orthodox religious belief, Barr added."

"'This is not decay,' Barr said. 'This is organized destruction. Secularists and their allies have marshaled all the forces of mass communication, popular culture, the entertainment industry, and academia in an unremitting assault on religion and traditional values.'"

A diet of sugary and starchy foods provides a breeding ground for harmful bacteria. In the same way, when young people's minds are filled with oversexualized films and social media, this encourages behavior that spreads disease and decreases the future population to the point of demographic winter: the death of our culture. But this is precisely what the secular humanists and socialists want so they can raise up their utopian phoenix out of the ashes.

Jesus quoted the prophet Isaiah: "the word of Isaiah the prophet might be fulfilled, which he spoke, 'Lord, who has believed our report? To whom has the arm of the Lord been revealed?' For this cause they couldn't believe, for Isaiah said again, 'He has blinded their eyes and He hardened their heart, lest they should see with their eyes, and perceive with their heart, and would turn, and I would heal them.' Isaiah said these things when he saw His glory, and spoke of Him. Nevertheless even many of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they didn’t confess it, so that they wouldn't be put out of the synagogue, for they loved the praise of men more than the praise of God" (John 12:38-43).

Isaiah and Jesus foresaw how people would become hardened against the truth because they fear the skepticism, sarcasm, and ridicule of their peers. But Jesus also held out hope: "I have come as a light into the world, that whoever believes in Me may not remain in the darkness. If anyone listens to My sayings, and doesn't believe, I don’t judge him. For I came not to judge the world, but to save the world" (John 12:46-47). Jesus is the Light of the world! He didn't come to judge you, but to save you. Come, receive the Light!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Christ is among us! He is and ever shall be!


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Saturday, October 12, 2019

Take a Stand With Us!

Take a Stand With Us!

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

Dear friend,

The First Amendment states that the God-given right to the free exercise of religion shall not be infringed. Government does not "grant" us our rights, it must be prevented from infringing upon our natural, God-given rights.

As you may already know, for many years we have been planning to build an "Agape Restoration Community" - a Christian independent living community with 30-45 mostly wheelchair-accessible housing units and a community room / chapel: see We have located a beautiful 8.8-acre hilltop property in the Borough of Trafford, PA, about 20 miles from downtown Pittsburgh, so our architect and I modified our site plan and preliminary building sketches to meet local zoning requirements and we put money down for an Option to Purchase the property.

The property is zoned "R-3 Multiple Family": zones "R-1 Single Family" and "R-2 Mixed-Use" both allow incidental religious use (a church) so our architect stated in our application that if religious use is permitted in R-1 and R-2 zones, it should also be permitted in the less-restrictive R-3 zone. On May 6, 2019, the then-acting building code inspector agreed with this interpretation of the zoning ordinance, approved our architect's site plan, and wrote that we could now apply for a Building Permit. But we were waiting and waiting for clarification of a minor point until the middle of July, with no response from the town manager.

Then we were informed that a new code inspector would be hired. This person decided to refer our application to the town's attorney, who interpreted the R-3 zoning ordinance to mean that if it doesn't explicitly allow incidental religious use, then it is not allowed. So we had to pay a $300 fee to apply for a zoning variance, hire attorneys, and wait again for the Trafford Zoning Board to meet on September 5.

This meeting lasted two hours: I said that the R-3 zoning ordinance does not need to explicitly allow religious use, because U.S. law is based on English "natural law" that whatever is not prohibited is permitted, whereas European law is based on Roman law that whatever is not explicitly permitted is prohibited. Our architect stated that our planned community room/chapel is less than 10% of the floor area of all the buildings and would greatly enhance the attractiveness of our planned community: most independent living, condo, and townhouse developments have some kind of common meeting spaces.

There were questions from the board and objections from the townspeople, both which demonstrated a clear anti-religious bias: we could have birthday parties, pizza parties, common meals, etc. in the community room, but not religious use: "Would you build this community here without a chapel?" I replied that our organization is registered with the I.R.S. as a non-denominational Christian organization and we intend to build a specifically Christian community. "Will you allow Muslims to live in your Christian community?" "Why do you need an 'altar' and 'sacristy'?" "Will you have fixed seating [pews]?" Attorneys for the adjacent townhouse association, which has a swimming pool and clubhouse where their community sometimes holds meetings and parties, spoke against our application for a zoning variance to allow religious use. The Zoning Board decided not to decide that evening, so they announced a new meeting in three weeks.

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The CDC statistics are 2 in 5 - that's 40% - of adults age 65 years and older have a disability. And as we age, it climbs to 70% of us will be disabled before we die. Will you be proactive and deal with this probability, or think "This doesn't apply to me"?

The Trafford Borough Zoning Board met again on September 25 to give their decision. They did allow me and others to speak: I said that our attorneys had requested that the following federal law be inserted in the minutes; I gave them a copy and I read the underlined portions of the "Title 42 U.S. Code §2000cc. Protection of Land Use as Religious Exercise." The attorneys for the townhouse association asked if our non-profit organization would pay property taxes on the housing units, and I assured them that we would. Then the board met briefly to make their final decision to not grant our requested variance. In this decision, they flatly disregarded this federal law, which clearly states:

    "(b) Discrimination and exclusion
    (1) Equal terms No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution.
    (2) Nondiscrimination No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation that discriminates against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination."

The board said they will mail me a printed copy of their decision. At first, I didn't see much sense in trying to fight for our First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. But if we drop the issue, we will have wasted almost five months and several thousands of dollars in architect's and attorney's fees due to Trafford's foot-dragging and resisting. How much more time and money would we have to spend before we could make any headway with the stubborn Trafford Borough? Is it time to look elsewhere? No, we must appeal this clearly illegal decision!

Our architect agrees that this is an unjust decision and that the town is working against its own best interests. Our attorneys advise that we should wait for the written decision and then consider contacting the U.S. Attorney's office in Pittsburgh: when faced with a lawsuit and likely unfavorable decision from the Federal Government, plus fines and legal fees, local municipalities often concede.

I am revising the sketches of our main building to meet standard building codes for an "accessory use" assembly area: equal to or less than 750 sq. ft. and no more than 10% of the area of the building it is located in. This should eliminate any objections about zoning and building codes, as well as our already following federal law.

If that fails to gain local approval, we will make use of the DOJ's Place of Worship Initiative and How to File a Complaint: scroll down to the "Discrimination in Religious Land Use under RLUIPA" section.

So please pray for us and Take a Stand With Us as we take these actions. Do not think - "This doesn't apply to me" because the gradual nibbling away at our free exercise of religion affects every one of us Americans. And please share this message and our ARC website with your friends, especially our little "How YOU Can Help!" leaflets and on social media: let's make this Go Viral!

I CAN'T DO THIS BY MYSELF: I NEED YOUR HELP! So please WRITE US and say you will Take a Stand With US for religious liberty. Thanks in advance!

Yours in Christ,

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., D.Min.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Christ is among us! He is and ever shall be!


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Saturday, October 5, 2019

Will You Pray For Us?

Will You Pray For Us?

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Glory to Jesus Christ! Glory forever!

Dear friend,

The First Amendment states that the God-given right to the free exercise of religion shall not be infringed. Government does not "grant" us our rights, it must be prevented from infringing upon our natural, God-given rights.

As you may already know, for many years we have been planning to build an "Agape Restoration Community" - a Christian independent living community with 30-45 mostly wheelchair-accessible housing units and a community room / chapel: see We have located a beautiful 8.8-acre hilltop property in the Borough of Trafford, PA, about 20 miles from downtown Pittsburgh, so our architect and I modified our site plan and preliminary building sketches to meet local zoning requirements and we put money down for an Option to Purchase the property.

The property is zoned "R-3 Multiple Family": zones "R-1 Single Family" and "R-2 Mixed-Use" both allow incidental religious use (a church) so our architect stated in our application that if religious use is permitted in R-1 and R-2 zones, it should also be permitted in the less-restrictive R-3 zone. On May 6, 2019, the then-acting building code inspector agreed with this interpretation of the zoning ordinance, approved our architect's site plan, and wrote that we could now apply for a Building Permit. But we were waiting and waiting for clarification of a minor point until the middle of July, with no response from the town manager.

Then we were informed that a new code inspector would be hired. This person decided to refer our application to the town's attorney, who interpreted the R-3 zoning ordinance to mean that if it doesn't explicitly allow incidental religious use, then it is not allowed. So we had to pay a $300 fee to apply for a zoning variance, hire attorneys, and wait again for the Trafford Zoning Board to meet on September 5.

This meeting lasted two hours: I said that the R-3 zoning ordinance does not need to explicitly allow religious use, because U.S. law is based on English "natural law" that whatever is not prohibited is permitted, whereas European law is based on Roman law that whatever is not explicitly permitted is prohibited. Our architect stated that our planned community room / chapel is less than 10% of the floor area of all the buildings and would greatly enhance the attractiveness of our planned community: most independent living, condo and townhouse developments have some kind of common meeting spaces.

There were questions from the board and objections from the townspeople, both which demonstrated a clear anti-religious bias: we could have birthday parties, pizza parties, common meals, etc. in the community room, but not religious use: "Would you build this community here without a chapel?" I replied that our organization is registered with the I.R.S. as a specifically Christian organization and we intend to build a specifically Christian community. "Will you allow Muslims to live in your Christian community?" "Why do you need an 'altar' and 'sacristy'?" "Will you have fixed seating [pews]?" Attorneys for the adjacent townhouse association, which has a swimming pool and clubhouse where their community sometimes holds meetings and parties, spoke against our application for a zoning variance to allow religious use. The Zoning Board decided not to decide that evening, so they announced a new meeting in three weeks.

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The CDC statistics are 2 in 5 - that's 40% - of adults age 65 years and older have a disability. And as we age, it climbs to 70% of us will be disabled before we die. Will you be proactive and deal with this probability, or think "This doesn't apply to me"?

The Trafford Borough Zoning Board met again on September 25 to give their decision. They did allow me and others to speak: I said that our attorneys had requested that the following federal law be inserted in the minutes; I gave them a copy and I read the underlined portions of the "Title 42 U.S. Code §2000cc. Protection of Land Use as Religious Exercise." The attorneys for the townhouse association asked if our non-profit organization would pay property taxes on the housing units, and I assured them that we would. Then the board met briefly to make their final decision to not grant our requested variance. In this decision, they flatly disregarded this federal law, which clearly states:

    "(b) Discrimination and exclusion
    (1) Equal terms No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation in a manner that treats a religious assembly or institution on less than equal terms with a nonreligious assembly or institution.
    (2) Nondiscrimination No government shall impose or implement a land use regulation that discriminates against any assembly or institution on the basis of religion or religious denomination."

The board said they will mail me a printed copy of their decision. At first, I didn't see much sense in trying to fight for our First Amendment right to the free exercise of religion. But if we drop the issue, we will have wasted almost five months and several thousands of dollars in architect's and attorney's fees due to Trafford's foot-dragging and resisting. How much more time and money would we have to spend before we could make any headway with the stubborn Trafford "burro"? Is it time to look elsewhere? Or should we appeal this clearly illegal decision?

Our architect agrees that this is an unjust decision and that the town is working against its own best interests. Our attorneys advise that we should wait for the written decision and then consider contacting the U.S. Attorney's office in Pittsburgh: when faced with a lawsuit and likely unfavorable decision from the Federal Government, plus fines and legal fees, local municipalities often concede.

I am revising the sketches of our main building to meet the International Building Code for an "accessory use" assembly area: equal to or less than 750 sq. ft. and no more than 10% of the area of the building it is located in. This should bring our plans more into compliance with international zoning and building codes, as well as federal law.

If that fails to gain local approval, see the DOJ's Place of Worship Initiative and How to File a Complaint: scroll down to the "Discrimination in Religious Land Use under RLUIPA" section. Several Christian organizations - Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel, Family Research Council, The Heritage Foundation, and American Family Association - may take up our case and help publicize it nationally, as well as local news media we can contact.

So please pray for us as we consider what to do next. And please share this message and our ARC website with your friends, especially our little "How YOU Can Help!" leaflets: let's make this go viral! Thanks in advance!

Yours in Christ,

"Dr. Bob"

Robert D. Hosken, M.Min., D.Min.

In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit! Christ is among us! He is and ever shall be!


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