Monday, December 20, 2010

St. John of Kronstadt's Repose

St. John of Kronstadt is my patron saint, and a real cool guy! December 20 is his patronal feast day, celebrating his repose in the Lord in 1908. In July 2008,  as we were venerating his relics in St. Petersburg, a voice - his? - whispered into my ear - "Wouldn't it be wonderful if you could be chrismated on the centennial of his repose?" And then I thought to myself, "That's too much to ask of Fr. Patrick (our priest), or even to imagine!" So I put it out of my mind.

Then in Oct. 2008, Fr. Pat asked me, "Would you like to be chrismated in December?" "Yes!" I said. And he replied, "What date would you like?" Wow! The saints' prayers are powerful and effective!  My wife and I were chrismated into the Orthodox Church on December 20, 2008 - the 100th anniversary of St. John's repose.

See "Our Homecoming" on my website:
Dr. Robert D. Hosken