Monday, May 11, 2015

A Christian Ending

A Christian Ending

a Christian endingHere is a series of podcasts that I've just recently discovered: A Christian Ending. I listened to all 12 podcasts on my smartphone while working out at the gym when the pool was closed so I couldn't swim. (You should change the "Display 10 entries" at the bottom of the screen to "Display 25 entries" so you can see all of the podcasts.)

As you'll see, they deal with subjects such as Cremation (why the Orthodox don't advocate it), The Problem of Suffering, Caregiving for the Sick and the Suffering and As Death Approaches. These are issues that we all struggle with: "Why does God allow innocent people to suffer?" "How am I going to care for my elderly parents?" - or - "How are my children going to care for me when I'm unable to care for myself?" and "How do I prepare for 'A Christian Ending to My Life'?" - the words in an oft-repeated Orthodox prayer. These topics tie in closely with the work with disabled people that we did in Russia and our Social Ministries courses that we've been teaching over the Internet since we returned to the U.S. in 2007.

In September I begin teaching the course "Ministry to Handicapped and Poor." Deadline to enroll: Aug. 31! The English-language version of these "Social Ministries" courses are now converted to HTML5 and our new "slider" menu system. You can read the lessons online with any browser. Take a few minutes to look at these lessons, and consider how you can be a part of the answers to the above questions!

(Linked to of 28 Feb. 2015.)

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