Incremental Socialism: the Frog in the Kettle
But more often, the Leftist "Liberal" press will publicize statements by politicians who tell us that "freedom of religion" is merely the right to attend whatever church you want on Sunday morning, as long as the pastor doesn't preach anything that's not "politically correct" - see A Pastor Fights Against Government Restrictions on Political Sermons. These politicians will say you can worship as you choose, but just "Don't force your beliefs on others" - see Doctors Sue Administration for Forcing Them to Perform Gender Transition Procedures and Congress Must Protect Religious Liberty Now More than Ever.
Before my wife and I moved to Russia, we led a non-profit organization called Christian Action with a newsletter that was quite similar to Hosken-News. One of my articles was entitled "Gradualism" that explained how Socialism in the West is being introduced gradually, incrementally, by one small decree or law or regulation or executive order after another. At that time, 25 years ago, we already had Social Security, Medicare, the U.S. Department of Education, and the infamous "Roe versus Wade" U.S. Supreme Court decision. One of our Christian Action board members denied that this "gradualism" was actually happening, and he was so upset that he resigned from the board. Let's "fast-forward" to the present: now we have "No Child Left Behind" socialist education, LGBTQ rights even in the military, legalized "Gay Marriage" sodomy, and government-funded abortions mandated by the "Affordable Care Act" - illegal under the Hyde Amendment, but the current Leftist "Liberal" platform proposes the elimination of that "inconvenient" Hyde Amendment. Where did all this come from?
It didn't "just happen" accidentally; rather, it came about intentionally - its leaders use the term "incrementally." They are Marxist theorists from the "Institut für Sozialforschung" (Institute for Social Research), commonly called "the Frankfurt School" that was founded in 1923 by Felix Weil, a Marxist and the son of a wealthy grain dealer. Weil wrote his Ph.D. dissertation on the practical problems of implementing socialism. Weil and his followers were confounded that attempts at communist revolutions in Western Europe after WWI had failed. Why did the 1917 Bolshevik Revolution succeed in Russia, an economically backward country, but fail in industrially developed countries in the West, as Marx had predicted?
They finally realized it was because the war had almost completely destroyed Russia's social fabric, so that Lenin could rouse up the returning peasant-soldiers with false promises of "Land, Peace and Bread" if they would join his revolutionary band. So these disillusioned Marxists set about to find ways to deliberately cause the social fabric in the West to unravel by incrementally demolishing the foundations of traditional Christian culture in the West. Felix Weil gathered other Marxist theorists, including German communists, philosophers, sociologists and psychologists. Some were still so committed to formal old-school Marxism that they couldn't bear to leave the Communist Party, but most renounced what they saw as failed Marxist theory, and set about to revise it.
The psychologists included Erich Fromm and Wilhelm Reich: "In joining what was predominantly a 'Hegelian-materialist' current of Marxists, these psychologists gave the development of Marxist theory an entirely new direction, which has left its imprint on social theory ever since. Erich Fromm ...dealt with psychological aspects of social control, delusion and conformity and became one of the founders of 'socialist humanism'. Wilhelm Reich developed his own doctrine of sexual liberalism as an antidote to political conformism and social psychosis." (source: The Frankfurt School and “Critical Theory.”) See also Critical Theory and the Cloward-Piven Strategy and The Origins of Political Correctness: Cultural Marxism.
In 1933, with the rise of Adolph Hitler to power, the Frankfurt School realized the Nazi's threat to its very existence: by 1935 they moved to Columbia University in New York City, and later established a branch in the mass entertainment industry - Hollywood - in Los Angeles, California. Now you can understand why the movies began playing up sexual liberation in the 1940s and onward, up to the present. The infiltration of Marxist philosophy into psychology is reflected in many psychologists counselling their patients to be "liberated" from conventional sexual ethics by participating in adultery and fornication (- they of course don't use those "retrograde" terms).
As I wrote in the last issue of Hosken-News, "conservative, traditional Christians who know their stuff see the state's grasping for power in all areas of public life as a form of pagan idolatry, and old-fashioned pagan idolatry often included sexual immorality (temple prostitution) with its religious ceremonies to lure people in and then entrap them by sexual addiction." This explains the drive for explicit sex education starting in grade school, continuing through high school, including positive reinforcement of the LGBTQ agenda, the use of birth control and having abortions without parental knowledge or consent.
This is why I have expanded the scope of Hosken-News to include the deliberate, organized efforts of Cultural Marxists to incrementally bring about a Socialist Revolution here in the United States. One of the recent candidates for U.S. President was campaigning on an explicit platform of Socialism, and when he dropped out of the race, he insisted that parts of his platform be included in his party's official platform.
Socialism is based on "materialism. It ranges from complete atheism that only admits to what we can see, feel and measure as having real existence, to a vague deism - 'You can believe whatever you want, maybe there's a god who started things up and then walked away, maybe Jesus existed or maybe he didn't, maybe he rose from the dead (if he even existed) or maybe not, and maybe other religions are just as valid, moral and peace-loving, so we should just play nice and get along with each other'" - as I wrote in our last issue.
It is high time for traditional, conservative Christians to stand up and speak out for religious freedom and "the free expression thereof" - as the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution states. Concerning freedom: "Use it or lose it!" King David wrote in the Psalms, "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?" He wasn't a limp-wristed whiner; rather, he was a military stategist, and he knew what to do: rebuild the foundations! That begins with carting away the rubble of the Cultural Marxists!
In 1933, with the rise of Adolph Hitler to power, the Frankfurt School realized the Nazi's threat to its very existence: by 1935 they moved to Columbia University in New York City, and later established a branch in the mass entertainment industry - Hollywood - in Los Angeles, California. Now you can understand why the movies began playing up sexual liberation in the 1940s and onward, up to the present. The infiltration of Marxist philosophy into psychology is reflected in many psychologists counselling their patients to be "liberated" from conventional sexual ethics by participating in adultery and fornication (- they of course don't use those "retrograde" terms).
As I wrote in the last issue of Hosken-News, "conservative, traditional Christians who know their stuff see the state's grasping for power in all areas of public life as a form of pagan idolatry, and old-fashioned pagan idolatry often included sexual immorality (temple prostitution) with its religious ceremonies to lure people in and then entrap them by sexual addiction." This explains the drive for explicit sex education starting in grade school, continuing through high school, including positive reinforcement of the LGBTQ agenda, the use of birth control and having abortions without parental knowledge or consent.
This is why I have expanded the scope of Hosken-News to include the deliberate, organized efforts of Cultural Marxists to incrementally bring about a Socialist Revolution here in the United States. One of the recent candidates for U.S. President was campaigning on an explicit platform of Socialism, and when he dropped out of the race, he insisted that parts of his platform be included in his party's official platform.
Socialism is based on "materialism. It ranges from complete atheism that only admits to what we can see, feel and measure as having real existence, to a vague deism - 'You can believe whatever you want, maybe there's a god who started things up and then walked away, maybe Jesus existed or maybe he didn't, maybe he rose from the dead (if he even existed) or maybe not, and maybe other religions are just as valid, moral and peace-loving, so we should just play nice and get along with each other'" - as I wrote in our last issue.
It is high time for traditional, conservative Christians to stand up and speak out for religious freedom and "the free expression thereof" - as the First Amendment to our U.S. Constitution states. Concerning freedom: "Use it or lose it!" King David wrote in the Psalms, "If the foundations be destroyed, what shall the righteous do?" He wasn't a limp-wristed whiner; rather, he was a military stategist, and he knew what to do: rebuild the foundations! That begins with carting away the rubble of the Cultural Marxists!
(Linked to of 28 Aug. 2016.)